Office: Suite 1a & 1b, The Caste, 19 Lavender gate Crescent, Southgate Business Park, Amanzimtoti, Kwa-Zulu Natal, RSA

Workplace Culture & Employee Wellness Interventions

We offer a workplace culture intervention by first assessing the workplace culture and thereafter providing the most suitable intervention(s), which can include the following:

  • Team Interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Workshop Facilitation/Training
  • Female Wellness in the Workplace
  • Employee Counseling Services
  • Expatriate Adjustment Counseling Programme

Traditional wellness programmes which do not address the underlying culture (how individuals interact with each others within the organization), have a slim chance of achieving the desired results.

Value to your Organization:

  • A work culture program that assesses the workplace culture, creates a blueprint for change and a supportive climate, while developing quality leaders.
  • work environment strategies will be even more effective.

For more information, see the ICW Workplace Culture Presentation

Team Interventions

Conflict and change are a part of work life. This can lead to disruptions which can negatively affect team performance. The team interventions may include the following, after meeting with the supervisor/team leader to understand the situation:

  • Supervisor Coaching – we coach the supervisor on how to effectively supervise the team.
  • Proactive Team Dynamics Intervention – we attend some team meetings and facilitate a discussion on dealing with various team dynamics.
  • Team Training – we provide tailored training. E.g. training on Understanding Our Differences that uses a personality assessment.

Value for your Organization:

  • Improved team efficiency, meeting and exceeding of KPI’s, and a fertile work climate.
  • Improvement of productivity and motivation, and Decreased turnover.

CBT Workplace Culture Change Workshops

  • Behaviors are the outward actions of our thoughts and feelings. Trying to ACT differently without THINKING differently will fail, because human beings easily fall back to what they are used to.
  • We incorporate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques in our workshops, in order to change the thought patterns to achieve lasting behavioral change.
  • See our CBT Workplace Culture Change Workshop list.

Value for your Organization:

  • As registered professionals, we have specialized skill sets to effectively empower workshop attendees to effect permanent change in their behaviors/characters.
  • This will result in increased performance and productivity long-term.
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